Training Opportunities

young latino male

For Students

CLAFH welcomes undergraduate and graduate student interns from DUSON and across Duke University, who would like to enhance their education and gain research experience. CLAFH trains students in methodological and substantive areas relevant for research on health and social welfare disparities among Latinos and other underserved communities in the United States and abroad. Research internships and volunteer opportunities are available.

If you would like to be considered for a research opportunity at CLAFH, please email with a copy of your resume/CV and why you would like to be considered.

For Post-Docs and Collaborators

CLAFH also welcomes post-docs and collaborations with researchers and research institutions committed to addressing Latino health and social welfare disparities.

If you would like to explore research opportunities with CLAFH, please email your inquiry and a copy of your resume/CV to

Opportunities for Latinx HIV Leadership

CLAFH houses a national initiative for development of Latino leaders in the fight against HIV: the Instituto DILES (Instituto Latinx de Desarrollo Integral de Lideres Empoderados contra el SIDA; English: Latinx Comprehensive Development of Empowered Leaders Against AIDS Institute [DILES (Tell Them) Institute]). The program is designed to build leadership skills among Latinx individuals to drive meaningful change in their communities toward ending the HIV epidemic for Latinx men. Learn more here.